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Human trafficking, a mushrooming human catastrophe continues to plague societies worldwide exploiting vulnerable individuals for profit and power. The coercion or abduction of individuals for the purpose of exploitation encompasses various forms such as forced labor, sexual exploitation, and organ trafficking. Despite global efforts to combat it, human trafficking remains prevalent, posing a grave threat to human rights and dignity. “Human trafficking is often referred to as the slavery of our times  or  modern-day slavery (Weiss, , pg.1).”  It is a crime that rips away the humanity of those who are unwilling in that treacherous world. So how can we as a society help solve this social epidemic of human trafficking that happens all over the world? 

The first solution is often linked to transnational organized crime. An organized operation where humans are forced into doing the labor of others against their will. They are stripped of their humanity and treated like dogs instead of human beings. What can be done for these illegal and heinous crimes to come to an end? The Dark web has many connections to human trafficking. There are websites that you can visit and see humans being sold online for many reasons. “Labor trafficking is the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery (Greiman, Bain 41).” Cyber technologies give traffickers the unprecedented ability to exploit a greater number of victims. Human beings all over the world need to be careful about what they share on the internet because you never know who is watching you from afar. Parents especially need to keep track of what their children show on the internet and who they have as "friends'' on social media apps. There are many ways humans can be lured into a dangerous situation. For example, there are many ways to sell and purchase items online including from real individuals. There are apps such as Poshmark and Mercari that allow items to be shipped instead of exchanged, an easier and safer alternative. However, when buying items through social media such as Facebook, you are required to meet up with the seller regarding most items. The extension “Facebook Marketplace" is a part of the application where people can list and sell items on the app. You always want to ensure you take someone with you if you choose to go to look at an item that was listed, safety should always be the number one priority. You never know who you are communicating with online or who is hiding behind the screen guaranteeing you never know their true motives. Many predators find it convenient to pose online as young teenagers to lure innocent people in so it is always important to be mindful of your online activity. This is why it is always important to make sure you know who you are talking to. You should never talk to strangers and never put your trust in someone you meet online because you never know what you might be getting yourself into. 

“Sex trafficking is the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for a commercial sex act, in which the commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such an act has not attained 18 years of age (Greiman, Bain pg.41).” Sexual exploitation is the most commonly identified form of human trafficking at approximately 58%, followed by forced labor at about 36% (Chamie pg.79). Innocent women and children are being used for the sexual satisfaction of others. They are being trafficked as if they were drugs, guns, or even money. Western and Northern Europe, North America, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Japan are considered the major destination countries for human trafficking. A sad thing is that most victims of Human trafficking are parents, friends, cousins, and even grandparents of victims. It is a sad reality of what people would do for a lump of cash. They would rather put their loved ones in danger and at risk of losing their life. Do you think they go on later to regret their decision? In the modern era, international pressures to combat trafficking, especially of women and children, began with the growing social reform movements in Europe and the U.S. at the close of the 19th century. “According to the Palermo Protocol definition, human trafficking has three basic components, the first component is the act or what is done, that is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipts of persons, the second component is the means or how it is done, for example, the threat or use of force, coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of power or vulnerability, or giving payments or benefits to a person in control of the victim, the third basic component of human trafficking is the purpose or why the trafficking is being done, that is for exploitation, including the prostitution of others, sexual exploitation, forced labor, slavery or similar practices and the forced removal of human organs (Chamie,pg. 83).” It is unimaginable to think that human beings are being sold for their organs and body parts. To think that this occurs all over the world in many different countries is disgustingly inhumane. They sell their kidneys, hearts, eyes, livers, etc. Innocent children who were supposed to be protected by their loved ones, the "loved" ones that go on and sell them into the dangerous world of human trafficking. Where they are mistreated, raped, beaten, and killed.

Human and sex trafficking are heinous acts that take away the basic human rights of those trapped in that world. With the help of you and others, it can change. If you see or hear about anyone who is in serious trouble, go to someone you can trust and let them know about the situation. Human trafficking can be put to a stop with the right people. People who want to make a difference in the world, people who want change. Together we can make a difference, and make an effort to save these innocent lives that are being forced into heinous acts. This modern-day slavery transcends borders, affecting millions of men, women, and children annually, making it imperative to raise awareness, strengthen legislation, and foster international cooperation to eradicate the grave violation of human rights.

            Rhetorical Analysis

Albert Camus, with his critical thinking, may have approached the problem of human trafficking with moral outrage and a search for good thought in its origin and impact. It can explore how human trafficking where people are treated as commodities and subjected to abuse and poverty affects the absurdity of the human condition. Camus would stress the importance of recognizing the dignity and freedom of all people and argue that there is a collective responsibility to fight against injustice and oppressive structures that cause evil. Camus illuminates the possibility of resistance and, from his perspective, solves the moral problems caused by the commercialization of people, asking us to resist the absurdity of this injustice while trying to create a just and humane world. First, the author would view the human economy through the lens of absurdity; He expressed this idea in his article “The Myth of Sisyphus” and in his novel “The Stranger" . The point of absurdity is not only that life is meaningless, but that we must seek meaning and purpose in an absurd world to find meaning. Camus will see the absurdity of any situation, given the absurdity of people using and exploiting others for profit in the context of humantrafficking. Since the suffering of capitalists is unsustainable, it reflects Camus' theory of unsustainability because it highlights the contradictions and economic justice associated with the use of people. “This world in itself is not reasonable, that is all that can be said.” (Sisyphus, pg.12) Camus may have condemned human trafficking as a result of the existential view that absurd heroes are manifestations of reality. The model of the rebel opposing the system of injustice and oppression, as explored by Camus in his essay "The Rebel '', is also examined as part of the message. When it comes to human trafficking, those who join the fight to end it and those who are determined to disrupt it embody the spirit of rebellion by challenging the conditions of inhumane systems.In “The Rebel” Camus states, “movement that enlists the individual in the defense of a dignity common to all men''. (Rebel, pg.18) Their courage and passion in fighting against the injustice of human trafficking and seeking positive change would be celebrated by Camus as speaking volumes about them. Camus will analyze the economic relations between people from a critical perspective. He delved deeply into issues of power, oppression,and injustice, as evidenced by his participation in the French Resistance during World War II. Camus will draw attention to the processes that lead to human trafficking, such as poverty, inequality, corruption and exploitation of disadvantaged groups. It will emphasize the importance of addressing these principles through political and social change. Having just as many resources in poor communities as wealthier ones is vital to seeing change. Areas that are not patrolled as often are visible in statistics. Camus will explore the ethical consequences of human trafficking within the framework of his philosophy of struggle. In “Rebel,” he examines the moral responsibility of people to fight against injustice while acting in a moral manner. Camus believes that human trafficking is a significant betrayal of these principles because it violates people's dignity and freedom. He states in the writing “reduction of man to an object of experiment”. (Rebel, pg.46) Human trafficking is a prime example of human beings viewed as little to nothing for the profit of others, experiments. He called on people not to be complacent and to stand up against the brutality of the situation. Additionally, Camus's concept of "unity" will also influence his response to human trafficking. He believes that the importance of unity is the basis of unity and social change. Stated in “The Rebel” Camus says “we cannot bear to see offenses done to others which we ourselves have accepted without rebelling”. (Rebel, pg.16) Change is only achievable when we all work together to bring about change. Camus supported the international campaign against human trafficking, emphasizing the need for cooperation and support between individuals, communities and nations. It encourages people to transcend national, cultural and ideological borders and seek justice and human dignity. Camus may question the role that technology and globalization play in human trafficking. In his article "The Myth of Sisyphus" he shows the impact of modernity and science on the human body. Camus will analyze how advances in communications, transportation, and finance facilitated the expansion of economic networks and increased the risk of the weak. He warned against the unrestricted pursuit of technological innovations without considering their ethics.Camus's application of realism could lead to efforts to support survivors of human trafficking. He believes in the importance of personal freedom and self-determination in the face of absurdity and poverty. Camus will support projects that highlight the agency and voice of survivors,allowing them to reclaim their own narratives and rebuild their lives on their own. In summary, Albert Camus's poignant exploration delves into the depths of moral outrage, philosophical inquiry, and a resounding call to action against the pervasive issue of human trafficking. Drawing on themes of absurdity, existentialism, rebellion, solidarity, and authenticity, his work critically examines the absurd nature of trafficking, challenges its underlying principles, and advocates for collective solidarity and cooperation in the quest for justice and human dignity. Camus's profound insights serve as a beacon, urging us to confront contemporary moral dilemmas with unwavering courage, boundless compassion, and an unwavering commitment to ethical principles. In Camus’ writing he delves into the notion of absurdity, emphasizing the need to find meaning in a seemingly meaningless world. This perspective extends to issues like human trafficking, where the exploitation of individuals for profit reflects the absurdity of human behavior. Camus' existential view suggests that confronting such injustices is essential, echoing his concept of rebellion against oppressive systems. Those who challenge and resist human trafficking embody the spirit of rebellion, striving for a dignity that transcends individual suffering. Camus would likely applaud their efforts, seeing them as exemplars of existential authenticity and moral courage.


English has always been one of my best subjects throughout school as I read a lot more before I started working. Reading helped elevate my vocabulary and open up to different genres.

As I’ve gone through my senior year of high school and been required to write more than a couple I’ve acquired skills to excel in English. Last semester's Comp One class was a great start dealing with one of my favorite topics, conspiracy theories and exploring different angles. Being required to write papers using different viewpoints helped me craft my writing in a way that is not opinionated. Writing about a topic that already had so much research on it was significantly easier than on absurdity. While there were plenty of mistakes on my Argument Proposal and the improvement that I made was minuscule, I was able to identify my mistakes and try to correct the issue for my future essays. The mistakes that were identified on the first paper helped me organize my thoughts on my second paper and helped stay focused on the prompt while identifying my  main ideas. Additionally, it helped me learn how to keep the attention of my reader and make my essays easy to follow. My goal is that in the future, I am able to write a quality paper with minimal corrections or, better yet, no corrections at all. I believe I have started to develop the skills needed to achieve this goal. The tools and resources provided to me were  pivotal pillars in being able to craft my words for assignments.This semester was the most difficult for me as I’ve moved states to a brand new environment while still trying to graduate high school. It hasn’t been my favorite roller coaster but definitely a memorable one with lots of trials and tribulation. As this is the last credit that I need to graduate from high school I applaud myself for the self-growth and perseverance I have gained.


-Weiss, M. S. (2015). Human trafficking and forced labor: A primer. ABA Journal of Labor & Employment Law, 31(1), 1–52.

-Camus, A., & O’Brien, J. (1955). The myth of sisyphus. Hamish Hamilton. McCarthy, P. (1988).

-Albert Camus, the stranger. Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York : Cambridge University Press.

-Camus, A. (1956). The rebel; an essay on man in revolt. New York, Vintage Books.

-Greiman, V., & Bain, C. (2013). The emergence of cyber activity as a gateway to human trafficking. Journal of Information Warfare, 12(2), 41–49.

-Chamie, J. (2015). Human trafficking: A serious challenge to humanity. Great Decisions, 77–88.

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